Grelos recipe with potatoes

In this article we bring you a dish that, in addition to being delicious, is very simple and quick to prepare. It is the turnip tops with potatoes, a recipe made with very typical ingredients from Galicia that we know you will love.

If you are looking for a rich and at the same time very light dish, turnip tops with potatoes will find a place on your menu forever. This recipe, 100% homemade, has all the necessary vitamins to face the arrival of the cold, so stay with us and discover how to make turnip tops with potatoes.

Ingredients to make Grelos with potatoes:

  • 300 grams of natural turnip greens in salt water
  • 3 medium potatoes (potatoes)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 small glass of olive oil
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches of paprika from the Vera

How to make turnip tops with potatoes:

If you find fresh turnip greens, wash and remove the thick, tough stems. Cook them in a saucepan with a lid over low heat. Do not add water so that the nutrients of the turnip greens do not escape. If you only find canned turnip tops, nothing happens, drain them well and save this step.

Wash the potatoes and make a cut around the skin with a knife. This will facilitate the detachment of the shell. Boil them for 30 minutes and check that they are done by pricking them with a stick. When they are ready, cool them in water, peel them and cut them into wide slices.

Trick: It is a good idea to cook the potatoes with their skin so that they do not absorb more water and lose consistency.

In a food processor, grind a clove of garlic with a small glass of olive oil. Blend until completely blended and without chunks. Add salt to avoid the need to season the rest of the preparation.

Serve your turnip tops with potatoes on a plate. Sprinkle a little paprika from the Vera or sweet. Stir and mix.

Tip: If you like, you can add a little vinegar to give it an acid touch.

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