Green Spaghetti with Prawn’s Recipe

Spaghetti with polio Chile is a very popular dish in Mexico, where this wonderful sauce of roasted peppers is prepared to complete all kinds of recipes, such as the famous polio rice.

So, if you like the taste of peppers and want to try a colorful dish, this spaghetti with sauce are a good option, especially if you feel like cooking with a touch of the sea, adding some shrimp to get out of the routine.

Stay and get all the ingredients to make this rich Mexican pasta dish, green spaghetti with prawns are perfect for any occasion, so you won’t even need excuses to prepare them.

Ingredients to make Green Spaghetti with Prawns:

  1. 400 grams of Spaghetti
  2. 500 grams of fresh or frozen prawns
  3. 1 can of milk cream
  4. vegetable soup
  5. 3 green peppers
  6. 3 garlic cloves
  7. 1 tablespoon butter

How to make Green Spaghetti with Prawns:

  • To make this spaghetti with polio Chile and prawns we will make two separate preparations, the sauce and the pasta. We will start by cooking the pasta in the traditional way, with boiling water and a pinch of sauce, until it is al dente. Drain and reserve.
  • On the other hand we make the green sauce with poblano pepper. To do this, you must roast the chilies and then make them sweat inside a plastic bag to easily remove the skin, veins, and seeds.
  • If you have any doubts about this process, you can review the recipe for oven-roasted peppers or the one for green spaghetti with poblano peppers that follow the same procedure.
  • Crush this in the blender together with the garlic, the milk or cream and a little brother if necessary to finish binding everything.
  • You can use water or vegetable broth.
  • Now heat a large enough pan with the butter and when it has melted, sauté the shrimp for two minutes until it starts to change color. Then cook add the sauce and cook together until the sauce takes some heat.
  • Add the pasta into the pan and stir everything together so that the flavors mix and we have the green spaghetti. Check the seasoning and correct if necessary.
  • You can leave some shrimp on the outside to decorate the dishes.
  • Serve a good plate of green spaghetti with prawns and decorate with a little cheese and some tomatoes to give the dish a contrasting flavor.
  • The spaghetti with poblano peppers is very good alone or accompanied, as in this case, and since they are a very colorful dish, you can make it for Christmas or for a special occasion.

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