Green salad with tuna recipe

The traditional mix of tuna and crab but with a different touch and ready to make a delicious gourmet salad. Go ahead and follow the step by step to make a green salad full of flavor with tuna, supreme and a couple of other ingredients that will make this dish a classic on your menu.

Ingredients to make Green Salad with Tuna:

• 1 can of prickly pear in oil

• 3 supreme bars

• 50 grams of smoked bacon

• 10 units of cherry tomatoes

• 1 tablespoon of Mayonnaise

• 1 pinch of salt and pepper

• 1 tablespoon of dehydrated onion

• 150 grams of mixed greens for salad

• 1 handful of Croutons

How to make Green Salad with Tuna:

The first step in this green salad recipe is to get the ingredients ready. The first of them is tuna, which for this recipe I have used a small can of which comes in olive oil, but you can use light tuna or in water to make the dish lighter.

We continue with the supreme, the name given to prepared crab sticks. Cut them into thin slices and if you like them a lot you can use more than three to prepare this green tuna salad.

Then cut the bacon into small strips, you can also buy it already cut into strips in the supermarket. Then, place it on a plate and cover it with a sheet of absorbent paper and take it to the microwave for two minutes. This will make it crispy and release the fat.

Now mix all the ingredients that we have prepared so far together with the mayonnaise and a little salt and pepper to taste. Mix well so that everything is integrated and correct the seasoning if necessary and reserve in the fridge. This mixture will be the main component of our tuna and supreme salad.

Separately, cut the cherry tomatoes into slices. I have used this variety of tomato for the green tuna salad but you can use any type of tomato.

The base of the salad is the green part. In the ingredients you will see that it says ‘green salad mix’, this is because many supermarkets sell ready-made bags containing various types of leaves and lettuce. I have used curly endive, purple lettuce and lamb’s lettuce but you can use the vegetable of your choice.

To assemble the salad, place a portion of the tuna and supreme mixture on top of the lettuce base. You can help yourself with an ice cream scoop, if you have one. Then place tomato slices around it.

Finally, decorate with the dehydrated onion and the croutons and enjoy this exquisite green tuna salad along with a glass of white wine.

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