Green Salad Recipe with Serrano Ham

If you have no idea what to eat, but you have some of these ingredients in the fridge, do what I did and prepare a delicious salad with diced ham, a practical and delicious recipe that you will have ready in less than 5 minutes.

This is the first time that I have tried a ham and cheese salad and the truth is that the combination of ingredients has been successful, so if you dare to try this recipe, do not hesitate to leave your comments and tell us what other ingredients you would add or which ones you would change

Our green salad with Serrano ham served as our main course, but you can also present it as an elegant and fresh starter.

Ingredients to make Green Salad with Serrano Ham:

• 1 can of sweet corn

• 90 grams of diced Iberian ham or Serrano ham

• 50 grams of Nuts for salads

• 200 grams of Mix of lettuce

• 1 splash of balsamic reduction

• Cured cheese

How to make Green Salad with Serrano Ham:

To prepare this delicious salad with ham cubes, the first thing to do is to prepare all the ingredients.

Even if they are not on the list, you can add extras such as homemade croutons or vary the mix of nuts to taste. I have used one that has walnuts, almonds, raisins, pumpkin seeds and dried apricots. As for the cheese, you can use Parmesan, Grana Pagano or any similar.

When you have your selection, we start by mixing the corn with the ham and the nuts in a bowl. Mixing these ingredients we will make the base of our Iberian ham salad.

When I prepare salads, I usually mix everything together, but in this case, I have preferred to place a base of lettuce on each plate, in this way the presentation will be more elegant.

I have used a mix for salads that contains curly endive, canon go and radicchio, but it will suffice to use the classic romaine lettuce or a mix of sprouts for example.

Now we place the mixture in the bowl on the lettuce base, a couple of tablespoons on each plate will suffice.

To finish the salad with pieces of ham, we only have to add the cured cheese on top. It is best to use diced or finely grated cheese, as seen in the photo; the contrast of flavors that this type of strong cheese gives to the salad is very good.

To dress, it will be enough to put a little balsamic reduction, although a homemade Caesar sauce can also be good.

A delicious meal ready in less than 5 minutes! What more can you ask for… this green salad with Serrano ham can be presented as a starter on a special evening, remember that you can vary its presentation by mixing all the ingredients together or leaving some to decorate the plate, such as corn.

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