Green peas stew recipe with lacon

Green peas stew recipe with flacon

Green peas stew recipe with flacon

Ingredients to make green peas stew with flacon:Green peas stew recipe with lacon

  • one 16 oz. package of split green peas
  • a dry Spanish chorizo
  • a piece (8oz) of pumpkin (au Yama
  • three medium red potatoes
  • (3/4 pound), a medium piece of flacon smoked a
  • chili pepper
  • green pepper
  • a medium onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup dry wine
  • Salt
  • pepper-to-taste
  • 32 oz. of water
  • 4 cups of 8 oz. each

How to make green peas stew with flacon:

Wash and drain green peas and put in a pressure cooker with water and salt and potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1-inch slices, add the pumpkin, peeled and chopped into 2-inch pieces each.

Add the dry chorizo ​​​​chopped into slices of 1 centimeter each a little more or less, cut the smoked flacon into slices of 2 inches more or less add to the peas cover the pressure cooker and cook over medium heat until the pot begins to take pressure (you will know this by a peculiar whistle that will warn you that the pressure cooker is beginning to gain pressure, if you want to make sure, gently lift the valve and you will see how the steam escapes quickly, that will tell you that the pressure cooker is gaining pressure) from this moment count 10 minutes.

While the peas are cooking, put the olive oil in a pan and heat, then add finely chopped onion and green chili chopped into small half-inch pieces, crushed garlic, pepper and salt and to taste and sauté for 5 minutes, always stirring over medium-low heat. Then add the dry wine and lower the heat to low, stir and let cook for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

After 10 minutes turn off the heat of the pot and put it without uncovering (very important) under the cold water tap to release the pressure quickly and without the risk of an accidental explosion.

After 10 minutes check that there is no pressure in the pot by lifting the valve and then take it to the stove again and proceed to uncover, add the soffit and stir well and cook over low heat until it boils and turn off the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes and serve garnished with chopped green chives and finely chopped cherry tomatoes.

This stew can be eaten alone or it can be complemented served with cooked white rice.

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