Green Bean Curry Recipe

On this occasion we present a green bean curry stew made only with vegetables. This vegan recipe provides a multitude of vitamins and a delicious spicy flavor. Do not miss the step by step of this different dish that you can serve at any time! As a side dish or main at lunch or as a light dinner with a little toast.

Ingredients to make Green Bean Curry:

  • 100 grams of green beans
  • 100 grams of Broccoli
  • 100 grams of Brussels sprouts
  • 1 potato unit
  • 1 unit of purple onion
  • 1 unit of Carrot
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1 dessert spoon of curry powder
  • ½ dessert spoon of Turmeric
  • 300 milliliters of Water (1¼ cups)
  • 1 handful of fresh coriander

How to make Green Bean Curry:

  1. We gather all the ingredients to make the green bean curry. We have used some green beans that we had cooked and broccoli that we also had cooked. If you use raw beans and raw broccoli, it will be necessary to cook them in water for 3 minutes and then add them to the curry.
  2. In a pot, cook the Brussels sprouts for 5 minutes with plenty of boiling water. Drain and reserve.
  3. We make a sauce with the onion cut into squares. Then add the peeled carrot also cut into squares. We salt and pepper
  4. Add the potato peeled and cut into not very large pieces.
  5. It’s time to add the Brussels sprouts. Season with a little more salt, pepper, a tablespoon of curry and a half of turmeric. Mix well and let cook for 2 minutes. Next, add the water and bring to a boil until the potatoes are almost tender.
  6. Lastly, add the green beans and broccoli. Stir well to mix the aromas. Cook over low heat for 3 minutes.
  7. This green bean curry can be served with basmati rice. If you like spicy stews, try the chickpea and pumpkin curry or the curried lentils.

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