Grapes with cheese recipe

If you are looking for new ideas to make simple, fast and flavorful canapés, you are in the right place! On this occasion you will learn to prepare a delicious starter of grapes with cheese, quince and dates. Read on and take note of the steps.

Ingredients to make Grapes with cheese:

• 1 wedge of dry Manchego cheese

• 1 handful of seedless grapes

• 1 package of quince meat

• 1 handful of dates

How to make Cheese Grapes:

The amounts indicated above are indicative, since they will depend on the number of diners. To start preparing this delicious starter of grapes and cheese, cut the cheese into thin triangle-shaped slices and place the portions on a platter or tray.

We take the package of quince and cut the meat the same size as the cheese, the thickness will depend on the tastes of each one. Do not cut the same amount of quince as cheese, since we will prepare two types of canapés.

Take all the pieces of cheese and divide them into two groups. In one of the groups we will place the quince meat on top of the cheese, in the other we will add a pitted date to each portion of cheese. To finish the canapé of grapes and cheese, we wash the grapes, dry them and place a grape on top of each date and triangle of quince. Prick each montadito with a wooden toothpick and let’s eat! Easy, fast and delicious.

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