Grapefruit Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make grapefruit salad:

• Onions

• Grapefruit

• Vinegar

• Black olives

How to make grapefruit salad:

1- Cut the onion into thin slices.

2- Boil this onion in vinegar until it is cooked, drain and dry on canvas.

3- Peel the grapefruits; remove the skin and the seeds, cut in half.

4- In a flat salad bowl, place the onions, cover with the grapefruit segments, leaving some to decorate.

5- Make a mayonnaise with the oil, cover the previous preparation, and accommodate the remaining grapefruit segments.

6- Form a flower with the grapefruit peel and surround it with chunks of black olives.

Serve very cold, and ideal to accompany grilled meats.

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