Grandma’s Yogurt Cake Recipe

Grandmas are the queens of the kitchen, they teach cooking tricks and recipes, although there is nothing better than dishes made with their hands.

Are you wondering how to make a grandmother’s yogurt cake? In this article we teach you how to prepare this moist and soft cake with simple and cheap ingredients. Continue reading to learn how to make this sponge cake and discover the possibility of achieving different results with the same recipe.

Ingredients to make Grandma’s Yogurt Cake:

  • 1 egg
  • 75 grams of neutral yogurt
  • 1 citrus
  • 50 cubic centimeters of neutral oil
  • 50 grams of sugar (¼ cup)
  • 75 grams of flour 0000
  • 1 dessert spoon of baking powder
  • ½ dessert spoon of baking soda

How to make Grandma’s Yogurt Cake:

  • To start preparing Grandma’s sponge cake recipe, first beat the egg by hand with the citrus zest you have chosen and add 5 tablespoons of its juice, oil and sugar.
  • Stir until the mixture is completely dissolved.
  • Then, in a separate bowl, mix the baking powder, baking soda, and flour.
  • Add these dry ingredients to the previous preparation with the help of a sieve or fine strainer.
  • Integrate both preparations with enveloping movements and turn it into a previously buttered cake mold.
  • Cook it for approximately 25 minutes in a medium oven at 180 ºCor until when pierced with a knife no preparation remains come out.
  • Let cool and enjoy sprinkled with sugar. Ready and eatthe delicious moist yogurt cake!


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