Grandma's stew recipe

Grandma’s stew recipe

Grandma’s stew recipe

Grandma’s stew is a very complete and forceful spoon dish. An ideal elaboration in the cold season, since it is very complete. To prepare this stew, the ingredients must be of good quality so that the result is good. You should also know that depending on the area of ​​creation, some ingredient usually varies, but it is just as good in all ways. To cook this recipe, the typical thing is to prepare it in a clay pot, but it can also be done in a slow cooker if you want to reduce the time.

Ingredients to make Grandma’s Stew:Grandma's stew recipe

  • 500 grams of chickpeas
  • 1 piece of beef for the broth
  • 1 cane bone
  • 1 ham bone
  • 1 piece of salted Iberian bacon
  • 1 chicken or chicken quarter
  • 1 salted beef bone
  • 1 piece of backbone
  • 2 sausages
  • 3 black pudding
  • 3 potatoes
  • 2 carrots

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How to make Grandma’s Stew:

To make Grandma’s stew recipe, you must first soak the chickpeas for a day, they must be covered with water and with a pinch of salt. The next day, when you start making the authentic Madrid stew, you should drain the chickpeas well and wash them.

Take a large pot and add all the meat that you have previously washed. Then place it in the pot and cover with water. Then, add the soaked chickpeas, the chorizo ​​and the black pudding. Place the pot on high heat. Reserve the potatoes.

Leave on the fire until the easy Madrid stew begins to boil. Next, you must remove the foam with a slotted spoon; it forms on the surface of the broth. Leave it over medium heat for 2 hours without touching the meat or the chickpeas. If you notice that the broth is reduced a lot, add more water.

Tip: if you have a pressure cooker, you can reduce the time by 40-50 minutes.

When the 2 hours are up, see how the chickpeas and meat are. Meanwhile, she peels, washes and cuts the potatoes in half, add them to the pot. She cleans and cuts the carrots too, put them in the pot. Let it cook for another 20-30 minutes until the potatoes and carrots are tender.

When everything is cooked, remove the meat. You can transfer the amount of broth, chickpeas and potatoes to another pot, also add the chopped chorizo ​​and blood sausage.

Trick: we add the blood sausage whole so that it does not fall apart. You can cook the chorizo ​​a little before so that it does not release so much fat.

When serving, place the meat in a dish.

Taste the traditional Madrid stew for salt and, if necessary, correct it. You should know that it is forceful, because it will not need much salt. When you have cooked the chorizo ​​and blood sausage, turn off and serve the chickpeas on one side and the meat on the other. What do you think of this traditional Madrid stew recipe? Tell us your opinion in the comments and share with us a photograph of the final result.

What to do with leftover ingredients

If you have leftover meat from the broth and you want to take advantage of it, do not hesitate to cook some delicious homemade chicken croquettes from Grandma or an exquisite chicken broth from Grandma. In this way, you will be able to take advantage of the leftover ingredients and prepare other equally exquisite dishes, since the flavors will have completely adhered over the days.

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