Grandma’s Homemade Chicken Croquettes Recipe

Any time is a good time to take a break and have an aperitif or a simple tapa. And if this tapa consists of some delicious and traditional grandmother’s chicken croquettes, all the better. Well, almost everyone likes to enjoy good croquettes, which is why it is a sure hit when we have guests or we know what to cook. In addition, with this type of recipe we manage to take advantage of the remains of other preparations. Now, the recipe that we share is not just any recipe, it is the preparation that our grandmothers used to make, some creamy and flavorful croquettes.

At this article, we teach you how to make a soft, tasty and unique béchamel. Read on and find out how to make Grandma’s homemade chicken nuggets.

Ingredients to make Grandma’s Homemade Chicken Croquettes:

• 1 cooked and chopped chicken breast

• 1 pinch of ground nutmeg

• 150 grams of butter

• 2 eggs

• 1 piece of onion

• 2 glasses of milk (can be semi-skimmed)

• 1 jar of breadcrumbs

• 1 pinch of salt

• 3 tablespoons of wheat flour

• 2 glasses of sunflower oil for frying

• 1 pinch of ground black pepper

How to make Grandma’s Homemade Chicken Croquettes:

Our wise grandmothers were experts in kitchen use, a masterful way to avoid wasting food. For this reason, for this recipe for homemade chicken croquettes you can use the leftover chicken from a stew or stew. With that said, let’s get started on the crafting. First, finely chop the onion and chop the cooked chicken breast.

Heat the butter in a frying pan and, once melted, sauté the onion, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes over medium-low heat. Don’t let it brown too much. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg and continue stirring to let it fry for 2 more minutes. Of course, do not let the onion stick, it is preferable that it is done slowly so that it releases all its water and is tender but not dry. Add 3 tablespoons of flour to the sauce and mix. This step is very important so that it integrates and the flour does not taste raw. Continue cooking the chicken nuggets dough at low temperature for 2 minutes.

Slowly pour in the milk while stirring to prevent lumps from forming. If the béchamel needs more milk, you can add it. To do this, try to get the milk to be at room temperature or lukewarm.

Try to make the consistency of the béchamel similar to that of a porridge. After about 3 minutes and when the béchamel bubbles, add the chicken breast and stir. When everything is well integrated, remove the pan from the heat and taste the salt in case you need one more point.

Leave the croquette dough in a container and cover it with a cloth or plastic wrap. It is advisable to let it cool so that later, when forming the croquettes, they remain whole and do not fall apart when fried. Once this time has passed, form the croquettes with your hands and pass them through the beaten egg and breadcrumbs.

Grandma’s homemade croquettes have always been cooked fried, so heat half a liter of sunflower oil and, when it is very hot, fry the croquettes in batches so that they are loose and do not stick. Flip until golden brown on both sides. What do you think of these grandma’s cooked croquettes?

Tip: leave them on a plate with kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil.

Nothing better than some warm, freshly made croquettes, especially if you prepared them with your own hands and all the love in the world. As this is a traditional recipe, we recommend serving Grandma’s homemade chicken croquettes with a little mayonnaise sauce, which is another of the classics of cuisine from around the world.

Grandma’s homemade chicken croquettes – Side dishes

If you want to serve a complete appetizer because you have guests or you simply feel like having a feast, we recommend you to choose to prepare more varied tapas like these:

• Garlic Potatoes

• Clams in green sauce

• Cockles marinara style

• Carrot hummus

• Tuna ceviche with mango

And if you want to discover more homemade croquette recipes, don’t miss these ideas:

• How to make cooked croquettes

• Cod croquettes

• Mushroom croquettes

• Pumpkin croquettes

• Potato croquettes

• Mushroom croquettes

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