Grandma’s Cake Recipe

Grandma’s cake, also known as flan cake with cookies and chocolate or grandma’s cookie cake, is a traditional homemade cake, one of those that our grandmothers prepared to pamper us. It is a perfect dessert for birthdays, parties or anniversaries, as everyone has heard of this cookie cake for a lifetime and it is difficult to find someone who does not appreciate it.

Because it is a very simple recipe to prepare and its ingredients are also easy to handle, this cake is perfect for cooking with children and, thus, spending time with them and getting them involved in their first culinary projects (not to mention, then, you will be fascinated by the result). In this article we will explain, step by step, how to make homemade grandmother’s cake so that you can enjoy it at home and with your loved ones. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Grandma’s Cake:

  • 150 grams of chocolate for dessert
  • 150 milliliters of whipping cream (¾ cup)
  • 1 liter of milk, plus 100 ml to dip the cookies
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 envelopes prepared for flan or flanin
  • 3 packets of rectangular cookies

How to make Grandma’s Cake:

  1. To make your grandmother’s cake with flanin, take a liter glass of milk and mix it with the two envelopes of preparation for flan (flanin); integrate them until there are no lumps.
  2.  Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan with the sugar and put it to cook over medium heat while stirring.
  3. When the milk with the sugar begins to boil, add the mixture of the flan preparation and the milk.
  4. Stir until it begins to thicken and turn off the heat.
  5. On a plate, put the 100 ml of milk that you will use to soak the cookies.
  6. Wet them just a little so they don’t get too soft.
  7. On the other hand, have a mold ready
  8. Form a cookie base in the mold, placing them one after the other.
  9. Once you have put the first layer of cookies, cover it with a layer of flan.
  10.  Place another layer of cookies, one more of flan and, finally, another of cookies.
  11. Melt the chocolate together with the creamin a saucepan.
  12. Cover the cake with the melted chocolate. Put it in the fridge for about 3-4 hours.
  13. If you leave her overnight, she’ll be even better.
  14. After time, your grandmother’s cake for children will be ready to serve, decorate as you like and enjoy!


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