Grandma’s Austrian Facade Recipe

The Austrian bean stew is a dish that contains a lot of tradition, typical of the north of Spain, where it is colder and in winter and stews are the dishes that are most requested and enjoyed.

What you need for the facade recipe is time and patience because it is actually very easy to prepare. The important thing about these Austrian faces, as in most Spanish recipes, is to use quality ingredients. So, if you are ready to enjoy an authentic bean stew, read on and learn how to make grandma’s Austrian bean stew… let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Grandma’s Austrian Facade:

  • 500 grams of Fables or white beans
  • 200 grams of cured bacon
  • 2 sausages
  • 2 blood sausages
  • 200 grams of flacon
  • 1 onion
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Grandma’s Austrian Facade:

1 As in the preparation of any stew with grains, the first thing you should do is check the beans to discard those that are not good, wash them very well under running water and leave them to soak for at least 13 hours.

2 On the day of preparation, place the beans together with the soaking water in a large enough pot and if necessary, add more water to completely cover the beans. Cook over high heat until it breaks a boil.

3 Then, add the chopped onion to taste along with the sausage. This should be left on top and whole, to prevent it from breaking during cooking.

If you don’t want the Austrian bean stew to be too salty, you can soak the pork shoulder and the bacon, also from the night before.

4 You will see that as time passes, thick foam begins to come out. Eliminate this foam little by little to clean the stew and remove excess fat.

5 When the preparation boils again, lower the heat to a minimum and season with a little salt if you consider it necessary. Continue cooking over low heat for about 2 hours, shaking the pot a little from time to time.

The Austrian bean stew is not stirred, as this would break the beans, what is done is to shake the pot a little.

6 During these two hours of cooking, a little cold water should be added twice, every 45 minutes would be fine. This is done to “spook” the beans and ensure even cooking.

Tip: If you want to enhance the flavor you can add a little saffron

7 Check that the beans are tender and the seasoning is correct. Remember that if you have gone too salty, you can add a chopped potato to the stew. If everything is to your liking, turn off the heat and let everything rest with the pot covered for another hour.

8 Serve a good plate of grandmother’s Austrian bean stew and enjoy this stew full of tradition with a few pieces of bread. The good thing about facade is that it can last for several days and with each passing day it gets better, as the sausage releases more and more flavor.

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