Grandma’s Apple Pie Recipe

There are many ways to prepare apple pie, but without a doubt the most classic is Grandma’s apple pie.

Today we teach you how to make a delicious homemade dessert with apples. You will learn how to make the base dough for cakes and how to give it that unique touch with natural fruit.

Keep reading and get ready to enjoy a homemade dessert with a lot of flavor and tradition, Grandma’s apple pie is delicious, so don’t waste any more time and put on your apron to start cooking.

Ingredients to make Grandma’s Apple Pie:

  1. 400 grams of leavening flour
  2. 250 grams of Sugar (1¼ cups)
  3. 3 red apples
  4. 100 grams of Butter
  5. 2 eggs
  6. 1 teaspoon of Vanilla
  7. 1 pinch of Nutmeg
  8. Extra sugar for dusting

How to make Grandma’s Apple Pie:

  • Add the flour and sugar in a bowl and mix.
  • You can also work the apple pie dough on a flat surface. Remember that it is always better to sift the flour to prevent lumps from forming during the kneading process.
  • Add the eggs along with the chunky butter to the mixture. Combine all these ingredients and knead until you check that everything is integrated.
  • Next, grease a baking tray or the mold where we want to make the apple pie and stretch the dough to cover the entire surface. Check that all the spaces are evenly occupied.
  • Leave this at rest, in a cool place, so that the dough rises. Meanwhile, peel the apples and cut them into thin wedges and place everything on the dough.
  • Sprinkle the whole cake with enough sugar and vanilla and cook in the preheated oven at 180ºC for about 35-40 minutes or until you see that the apples are golden and the dough is done.
  • You can serve Grandma’s apple pie as soon as it comes out of the oven. You can serve this type of cake as a dessert accompanied by some  ice cream or also eat at breakfast time with a good coffee

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