Goose Pens Recipe

Whether it’s for the hot season or simply for a cold craving, bolis are an excellent option for a homemade dessert. It is an ice cream that can be prepared in many flavors, although the most common are strawberry, eggnog and vanilla. However, there are also gourmet pens that are usually prepared with special ingredients and many combinations.

On this occasion, we will prepare one of these options: it is a recipe for Gansito pens for which we will use these vanilla cupcakes covered in chocolate and filled with strawberry jelly and meringue. When combined with a little milk and chilled to prepare the ice cream, the result is a creamy and delicious dessert, perfect to enjoy at home or prepare to sell. Discover how to make Gansito pens in this article and enjoy!

Ingredients to make Goose Pens:

  • 4 mini or normal size goslings
  • ½ cup strawberry jelly or jam
  • 5 cups of whole milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ cup powdered milk
  • small bags for pens (approximate size 8x25cm or similar)

How to make Goose Pens:

  1. To start the Gansito pens recipe, blend the whole milk, the condensed milk, the powdered milk and 2 pieces of gansitos. Do it for at least 3 minutes so that all the ingredients are integrated.
  2. Add a tablespoon of strawberry jelly or jam to the bag and spread well.
  3. Tip: If you prefer, you can also add a little melted chocolate to this Gansito ice cream recipe and spread it all over the bag as well.
  4. Cut the two remaining goose into pieces and add a little to the bag, you can also add a whole goose, but it will depend on the size of the bag you use.
  5. Pour the Gansito ice cream mix up to ¾ of the bag’s capacity to make it easier to close the pen.
  6. Roll up the bag and tie a knot, make sure there are no liquid leaks. Then, take to freeze for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight.
  7. Tip: If it is difficult for you to tie the knot, you can choose to close with plastic garters.
  8. Once the Gansito ice cubes are frozen, you can now enjoyThe Gansito pens are perfect to refresh your day or to enjoy them as desserts.


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