Goat cheese and red fruit salad recipe

In this salad the protagonist is the grilled goat cheese roll, which we accompany with some red fruits and some nuts. It turns out a fresh and complete salad of goat cheese, blueberries and almonds. Learn the trick to prepare it with the instructions.

Ingredients to make goat cheese and red fruit salad:

• 3 bunches of mixed salad

• 1 unit of goat cheese roll

• 3 tablespoons of Blueberries

• 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds

• 4 slices of toasted bread

• 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 splash of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

How to make goat cheese and red fruit salad:

We prepare the ingredients for this goat cheese salad. In addition to the goat cheese roll, we will use fresh blueberries and chopped almonds.

In a large bowl, pour the salad, which in this case is a variety that includes arugula. Wash the blueberries, cut them in half and add them to the salad. If you prefer, you can prepare a blueberry sauce to pour over the grilled goat cheese, but it is somewhat cloying and in this case I have opted for a fresh salad.

Now we proceed to cook the grilled goat cheese roll. The secret is to have the bread very hot. We do not use oil; we simply place the cheese in the pan or on the griddle, over high heat for a few minutes. We remove immediately, before it begins to unravel.

We place the grilled goat cheese in the center of the salad and decorate the plate with some toasted bread.

We just need to season the goat cheese salad with red berries: first sprinkle the chopped almonds, and then add salt, a good splash of extra virgin olive oil and, finally, the balsamic vinegar of Modena. It is an excellent salad to accompany meat, like this chicken breast in tomato sauce, very simple but delicious. Sometimes you just want simple dishes, right?

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