Goat cheese and apple canapé recipe

This appetizer based on goat cheese and caramelized apple is one of my favorites. I am a big fan of cheese, so any recipe that contains this ingredient seems great to me. With a few flakes of coarse salt and a little black pepper on top, the apple and cheese canapé is a tapa worthy of the gods. Learn how to prepare it by following this simple step-by-step that we present to you.

Ingredients to make Canapé of goat cheese and apple:

  • 3 slices of toast
  • ½ apple
  • 70 grams of goat roll
  • 1 dessert spoon of brown sugar
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 1 pinch of sea salt flakes
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Goat Cheese and Apple Canapé:

Here we have the ingredients for the cheese and apple canapé. For the bread, you can choose from various options: toast, toasted crestless sliced ​​bread, artisan or ciabatta bread, and even a sheet of puff pastry cut and previously baked in the oven. First of all we will prepare the base of bread and goat cheese, on which the caramelized apple will rest. If it is not toast, I advise you to first pass the bread through the toaster. Next we spread the goat cheese on each slice. Now we proceed to prepare the caramelized apple. First we wash and peel the apple, and cut it into slices. Next, heat the butter in a pan and, when melted, add the apple slices. We will let the apple cook a little and, when it is already soft,  we will add the brown sugar, to caramelize it slightly. Leave it for a few more minutes on the fire while you stir. When the apple is caramelized, we spread it on the slices with goat cheese, which will melt slightly due to the effect of the heat of the apple. Add a few flakes of salt and a little black pepper and serve immediately, accompanied by a glass of red wine. You will love this goat cheese and apple canapé, I am sure! It can be a starter for a full menu, with a grilled chicken and aborigine salad, for example, or it can become a light single-course dinner, which was my choice the other day. Let’s enjoy it!

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