Gnocchi recipe with cream, bacon and mushrooms

Potato gnocchi typical of Italian cuisine, although we can currently find them in recipe books from many kitchens around the world. Such is its popularity that it is also part of one of the best-known dishes of Argentine gastronomy, and its easy preparation and delicious flavor make it a highly demanded dish.

Do you know the traditional gnocchi in cheese sauce? If you’ve already tried them and you’re looking for different ideas but just as simple and tasty, you’ve come to the right place! we want to teach you how to prepare a dish of gnocchi with cream and bacon, ideal to surprise the whole family or to prepare an intimate dinner with your partner. Do you want to know the ingredients and steps to follow? Stay with us and discover how to make gnocchi in white sauce!

Ingredients to make Gnocchi with cream, bacon and mushrooms:

  • For the potato gnocchi
  • 500 grams of potatoes
  • 150 grams of Flour 0000
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 25 grams of grated cheese
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of Nutmeg
  • for the willow
  • 200 milliliters of Cream or milk cream
  • 3 slices of smoked bacon
  • 4 mushrooms

How to make Gnocchi with cream, bacon and mushrooms:

  1. The first thing we are going to do is make the homemade potato gnocchi.
  2. To do this, we put a pot with water and salt over high heat. When the water starts to boil, add the potatoes with their skins and reduce the heat to medium.
  3. It is very important not to remove the skin from the potatoes, since this way they will absorb less water and, therefore, they will need less flour when making the gnocchi dough.
  4. When the potatoes are well cooked, drain them and remove the skin, taking care not to burn ourselves.
  5. Then, we transfer them to a large bowl, mash them with a fork or a masher, and add the egg yolk, grated cheese, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. We mix and begin to form the dough for the potato gnocchito continue with the recipe
  6. Add the flour little by little and knead. As soon as we have compact dough that does not stick to our hands, we stop adding flour.
  7. Afterwards, we cut small portions and make thin, long rollswith our hands on the work table.
  8. To obtain the homemade gnocchi, cut pieces 2 and a half cm long, place the tips of a fork on each portion and press to draw the lines that characterize them so much.
  9. Then, we take a pot, add enough water and salt to taste, put it on high heat and, when it starts to boil, cook the potato gnocchi. As they rise to the surface, we remove them and reserve them to prepare the white sauce.
  10. Finely chop the white onion and the leek. Take a frying pan, add frying oil and, once hot, fry these ingredients over medium heat.
  11. To continue with the gnocchi in white sauce recipe, we will have to wait for the onion to become transparent.
  12. Once the onion is translucent, we wash the mushrooms, cut them into slices and add them to the preparation. The mushrooms will give the gnocchi with cream and bacon an irresistible flavor.
  13. When the mushrooms are almost ready, cut the bacon and add itto the ingredients to continue making the sauce.
  14. You can cut the bacon however you like, strips or squares.
  15. To continue with the recipe for gnocchi with cream, bacon and mushrooms, add the heavy cream, reduce the heat and stir to integrate the ingredients of the white sauce.
  16. At this point, test the preparation and rectify the flavor with salt.
  17. When the sauce is ready, add the potato gnocchi, mix well and add black pepper to taste. And if we have Parmesan cheese, we can add a little to enhance the flavor of the dish.
  18. Ready! We serve the gnocchi with cream, bacon and mushroomsimmediately, sprinkling a little more Parmesan cheese, or any other grated cheese that we like.
  19. And if you prefer not to make the gnocchi yourself, you can always buy them already made and follow the steps to make the white sauce.

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