Gluten-free shrimp pancakes recipe

Learn how to make easy gluten-free shrimp pancakes with only five ingredients! If you are allergic to gluten, you will probably have a hard time trying to replace flour in your diet, but don’t worry, we will show you the step by step of these delicious pancakes suitable for celiacs that will give your meals a lot of versatility, since you can serve them accompanied of mole, broth or your favorite sauce. So don’t stay with the craving and keep reading to discover the secret of the perfect gluten-free shrimp omelettes.

Ingredients to make Gluten Free Shrimp Pancakes:

  1. 2 pieces of egg
  2. 1 tablespoon shrimp powder
  3. 1 tablespoon of broad bean powder
  4. ½ teaspoon baking soda
  5. 2 cups of vegetable oil

How to make Gluten Free Shrimp Pancakes:

  • Separate the yolks from the whites, and beat the whites to the point of nougat.
  • Once the whites are well assembled, add the yolks one by one,beating at high speed.
  • When the shake is ready, incorporate the shrimp powder, broad bean powder and baking sodain an enveloping way. Mix carefully to avoid losing the air that we incorporated when beating the egg. This is the secret to soft and fluffy gluten-free shrimp cakes
  • Heat the oil and pour tablespoons of the mixture to fry the pancakes. If you prefer, you can add whole or peeled shrimp to make the gluten-free shrimp omelettes even tastier.
  • Once the pancakes are well browned on both sides, drain the excess oil on absorbent paper.
  • Enjoy the gluten-free shrimp pancakes accompanied by your favorite sauce. These, due to their texture, will absorb the flavor of any accompaniment very well, such as meatball sauce or mole polio, and served with red rice or roseroots, they are a real delight! As a last piece of advice, if you want to prepare larger batches of this recipe, we recommend following this ratio and doing it in several batches, because if you beat too many eggs at once you risk losing air and fluffiness from the mixture.

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