Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe

Pizza is a baked flatbread that is covered with tomato paste and other local ingredients such as salami, mushrooms, hams, and cheeses, among others. Nowadays, there are countless flavors of sauces and dough’s, but there are very few options to be found for people who are allergic to gluten. This gluten-free pizza dough recipe is ideal for people who cannot eat gluten-containing foods, go ahead and prepare this base and enjoy your favorite healthy and homemade pizzas.

Ingredients to make Gluten Free Pizza Dough:

  • 250 grams of gluten-free whole meal flour
  • 4 tablespoons of dry yeast
  • 1 glass of lukewarm water
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Gluten Free Pizza Dough:

  1. For the gluten-free pizza dough,the first thing you should do is list all the ingredients, remember that for this type of gluten-free ingredients they are available in health food stores or in large supermarket chains, you just have to read the packaging that says gluten-free.
  2. On a flat surface, place the gluten-free flour and make a hole in the middle, forming a volcano.
  3. I recommend that you use gluten-free whole wheat flour, but you can use normal gluten-free flour.
  4. Then add the dry yeast and warm water around the volcano place.
  5. Also add a pinch of salt and then mix the yeast very well with the water until it forms like cream.
  6. Then knead all the previous mixture for 10 minutes until there is a uniform and homogeneous mass. Place it in a warm place and let it rise for 1 hour.
  7. Since you have your dough ready, you just have to choose the base sauce and the ingredients it contains, I made a vegetarian pizza with cheese, which is the one seen in the photo and I used this gluten-free pizza base,which made it perfect.
  8. If you are celiac, do not deprive yourself of anything and go ahead and prepare the best pizzas with this gluten-free pizza base.

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