Gluten-free coconut and dulce de leche cake recipe

This article brings to delight you a tasty gluten-free cake for children. An idea that is not only delicious but also practical, since it is easy to make and requires few basic ingredients, of which you probably already have some at home.

As a filling, the protagonists will be dulce de leche and coconut, ingredients that children love and will devour! To find out how to make this gluten-free coconut and dulce de leche cake, I kept reading the step by step.

Ingredients to make gluten-free coconut and dulce de leche cake:

  • for the cake
  • 220 grams of cornstarch
  • 100 grams of Sugar (½ cup)
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla essence
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 90 grams of Butter (gluten-free)
  • To decorate
  • 350 grams of Dulce de leche (gluten-free)
  • 50 grams of Coconut
  • 70 grams of sugar
  • 2 egg whites

How to make gluten-free coconut and dulce de leche cake:

  1. To make our gluten-free cake, we are going to start by pouring the sugar together with the egg yolks into a bowl (reserve the whites to use later in the filling). Beat for 3 minutes until disarming the sugar and getting a creamy mixture.
  2. Add the butter(previously melted) and the essence of vanilla to perfume the mixture of our children’s cake. Beat for 2 minutes until the ingredients are integrated and a homogeneous preparation is obtained.
  3. Tip: If you want a dough of another flavor, such as lemon, tangerine, orange, etc., you can substitute the essence of vanilla for the juice and zest of the fruit you want.
  4. Then, you have to add the cornstarch and baking powder. Mix with a whisk or fork little by little to integrate the gluten-free cake dough. Once it has integrated a bit, use your hands to integrate it better until it is shaped and you obtain a compact dough.
  5. Tip: If the dough sticks to your fingers, place a handful of cornstarch in your hands and spread it as if you were washing your hands with it. But only for 4-5 seconds.
  6. Sprinkle a little cornstarch on a table (to prevent it from sticking), knead again for a few seconds, and roll it out with a rolling pin until you get the desired thickness. This type of dough is known as short crust dough, distributed already made in most supermarkets.
  7. Trick: Remember that the dough already has baking powder, so when it is cooked it will rise twice as much as it is when it is baked.
  8. Arrange the gluten-free cake dough in a greased mold and prick the base with a fork to prevent it from puffing up too much. Take to the oven, previously heated to 180 ºC, for approximately 10 minutes, or until you notice that it is slightly baked (since we will take it to the oven again later and we do not want it to overcook or burn).
  9. While the children’s cake is in the oven, we are going to take the opportunity to prepare the coconut filling, it is very easy and fast! To do this, we overturned the egg whites (previously reserved) together with the sugar in a bowl. We will beat for 2 minutes at medium speed until we obtain the texture and point of the meringue.
  10. Then, we will add the coconut and we will beat again for 2 more minutes and voila! In just a few minutes we have already made part of the filling for our gluten-free pie.
  11. When we notice that our cake is slightly cooked, we remove the dough from the oven, add the dulce de leche and spread it all over the base. On top, we add the coconut meringue and distribute again throughout the cake. Bake the coconut and dulce de leche tart for 10-15 more minutes, or until you notice that both the dough and the coconut mixture are golden and cooked.
  12. Trick: If you like it, place the coconut mixture in the form of flakes, it will be super cute and striking for children.
  13. Once the gluten-free coconut cake isbaked and ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool. When the meringue hardens, you can place small candles on top of the cake, or the image of the favorite child figure of the recipient, and serve it as a birthday cake. And you already have the cake ready to serve the children and celebrate!

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