Gluten-free Christmas log recipe

This time in this article we are going to teach you how to make a gluten-free Christmas log so that the whole family can taste this exquisite and typical Christmas dessert with chocolate, especially in France where they call it bûche de Noël.

So, continue reading this step by step and get this Christmas log for celiacs and non-celiacs with which you will conquer the palates of all your diners at the next Christmas parties, because it is always better and more good to do things at home with love. and care.

Ingredients to make Gluten Free Christmas Log:

  1. For the Genoese cake:
  2. 4 eggs
  3. 100 grams of Sugar (½ cup)
  4. 120 grams of gluten-free pastry flour
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)
  7. For the filling:
  8. 500 milliliters of liquid cream or milk cream
  9. 200 grams of Chocolate for gluten-free desserts
  10. 60 grams of sugar
  11. For decoration:
  12. 200 grams of Chocolate for gluten-free desserts
  13. 40 grams of Butter
  14. Powdered sugar

How to make Gluten Free Christmas Log:

  • The first thing we have to do to prepare this gluten-free Christmas log is to preheat the oven to 150 ºC.
  • Next, we separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs and mount the latter until stiff. On the other hand, we beat the yolks with the sugar and mix the two preparations with enveloping movements so that they do not fall.
  • Then we sift the gluten-free flour with a sieve and incorporate it into the previous mixture. We also add the pinch of salt and the essence of vanilla if you like.
  • Once we have made the dough for the gluten-free Christmas log, we spread it on top of a baking tray with parchment paper so that it is as flat as possible and we bake it for about 10 minutes at 150ºC so that we have a perfect Genoese sponge cake. .
  • When the Genoese cake is done, we take it out of the oven and while it’s still hot we roll it up with the same parchment paperso that we can fill it comfortably afterwards and it keeps its shape without breaking. We put a damp cloth on top so that it does not unroll and let it cool
  • Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the chocolate Christmas log: to do this, we whip the liquid cream together with sugar, melt the chocolate for desserts in the microwave or in a saucepan over low heat or in a bain-marie and add it to the whipped cream with smooth movements.
  • Then we fillthe Christmas log for celiacs with the chocolate cream, spreading it well over the entire surface and leaving it as flat and homogeneous as possible.
  • Then we roll up the gluten-free Christmas chocolate log again and let it cool in the fridge for about 1 hour
  • While we prepare the coverage to decorate this easy Christmas log: we melt the butter and the chocolate for desserts in the microwave, in a bain-marie or in a saucepan over low heat, being careful not to burn it, and mix it perfectly.
  • Once the hour has passed, we place the gluten-free Christmas log on a rack and cover it completely with the chocolate coating. Before it cools down, we can take a fork and cut it so that it resembles tree bark; or the other option is to put it in the fridge until the chocolate sets and break it into pieces as seen in the image to also simulate the broken vegetable crust.

Tip: If you want it to look more realistic, you can cut a small piece of the chocolate trunk and put it to the side or on top to make it look like a cut branch, and then cover it with the icing as well.

  • Finally, when the coverage is as desired, all you have to do is sprinkle a little icing sugar on top of the Christmas log for celiacs and decorate it with some Christmas decorations to your liking.

Trick: To preserve it correctly it is better to keep it in the fridge or refrigerator.

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