Gluten-free and lactose-free Crepes recipe

You will no longer have to worry if there are members at home who are allergic to gluten and intolerant to dairy because in this article we teach you how to make these delicious crepes for celiacs and lactose intolerant that are super easy and with few ingredients.

In addition, you can vary them depending on your needs and how you want the dough for these gluten-free and lactose-free crepes to be, for example, substituting almond milk for water or any other vegetable milk, or omitting the sugar and essence of vanilla if you prefer to eat them salty instead of sweet.

Ingredients to make gluten-free and lactose-free crepes:

  • For the mass:
  • 250 milliliters of almond milk (or other vegetable)
  • 1 tablespoon olive or coconut oil
  • 1 dessertspoon white, brown or coconut sugar
  • 125 grams of gluten-free pastry flour or rice or corn flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 jet of oil to grease the pan
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)
  • To fill and decorate:
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 jet of red fruit coulis

How to make gluten-free and lactose-free crepes:

  1. Beat the eggs with the help of a fork or manual or electric rods.
  2. Add them to the bowl of gluten-free flour and mix everything well.
  3. Gradually add the almond milk to the gluten-free and dairy-free pancake batter and continue beating.
  4. Finally, add the sugar, oil and vanilla essence, mix everything well and let the dough for the gluten-free and dairy-free crepes rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour so that all the flour particles are evenly hydrated.
  5. Tip: If you prefer gluten-free savory crepes, instead of sugar and vanilla essence add a pinch of salt to the dough.
  6. Grease anon-stick pan or griddle with a little oil all over the base and let it heat up well.
  7. Add a ladle of the lactose-free crepe batter and spread evenly. Let it brown on one side and when it starts to bubble on top, flip it over and let it cook on the other. Do the same with all the dough until you finish it.
  8. Trick: Take advantage while the pancakes are being made to cut the bananas into slices.
  9. Fill the gluten-free and milk-free pancakes with the banana slices, then roll them up and then pour a good stream of blackberry, raspberry, strawberry or other red fruit coulis on top as I have done for example.
  10. As you can see, this gluten-free and lactose-free pancake recipe is super easy to make and perfect for breakfast or a snack, so don’t hesitate to try it as soon as possible!
  11. Tip: Or combine them with other fruits and toppings that you like better.

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