Glazed recipe for alfajores

In case you didn’t know, the glaze on the alfajores has more than one function. Not only does it add more flavor to the alfajor itself, especially if we season it with lemon or orange, but it also helps to preserve it. This is thanks to the fact that it forms a protective film on the filling and on the cookies that serve as a cover for alfajores. So in addition to being rich, the glaze prolongs the useful life of our alfajores. Therefore, below you will learn a delicious recipe in simple steps.

In this article we teach you how to make glaze for Cordovan alfajores.

Ingredients to make Glaze for alfajores:

  • 100 grams of powdered sugar
  • 25 cubic centimeters of water (approximately)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional)

How to make Glaze for alfajores:

  1. To start with the icing for the alfajores, place the powdered sugar in a container, keeping in mind that you must bathe the alfajores in it.
  2. So it should be big enough to handle with forks, but not so big that it’s hard to coat with the icing.
  3. In this case it is about 12 centimeters in diameter.
  4. Trick: this amount of glaze is enough to cover about 10 alfajores of 5 centimeters in diameter.
  5. Add the lemon juice, then add the water by teaspoons, mixing between each until desired consistency is achieved.
  6. Tip: lemon juice not only adds flavor to the preparation, but also makes the frosting whiter. 
  7. On the contrary, you can skip it if you don’t like it.
  8. The consistency of the glaze should be as you see in the image. When lifted with the spoon, it should form a continuous thread that does not break and is relatively fine.
  9. Tip: as you coat the alfajores, the glaze can thicken again. 
  10. Correct with more water and/or lemon juice, whenever necessary.
  11. Arrange the alfajor that you are going to bathe with the glaze inside the container and turn it with the help of two forks so that they are perfectly impregnated.
  12. You must take care that the edges also do it.
  13. Take the bathed alfajores to a plate with parchment paper, silicone plate or non-stick paper to dry.
  14. Keep in mind that it may take about 8 hours and even more if you live in a humid place or are in a wet season.
  15. When the glaze is dry, you can enjoy your Cordovan alfajores


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