Ginger confit recipe with panela

More and more we tend to use roots such as ginger to cook a variety of dishes due to its multiple health benefits, among which its ability to regulate intestinal transit, its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties stand out. To take advantage of all these benefits, the best thing to do is to prepare an infusion of ginger, however, as we mentioned, we also have the possibility of including it in our meals and enhancing its flavor.

Although the recipe that we share below is not the most appropriate if we want to follow a diet to lose weight, it is one of the most delicious and in demand during the Christmas holidays. Who does not feel like enjoying a Christmas sweet at this time? Yes to us! And so that you can also consume it whenever you want, in this article we show you how to make candied ginger with panela, a type of unrefined cane sugar sold in compact blocks.

Ingredients to make candied ginger with panela:

  • 500 grams of fresh ginger
  • 500 grams of Panela
  • 250 milliliters of Water

How to make candied ginger with panela:

  • The first thing we must do to be able to prepare this Christmas recipe is to peel and cut the ginger. We can cut it however we like, although we prefer to cut it into not very thick slices.
  • Then, we place the ginger slices in a pot or saucepan and cover them completely with water. Put the pot on high heat until the water begins to boil, and then lower the temperature to cook the ginger over low heatfor an hour, or until it is soft.
  • When the ginger is ready, we drain it carefully so as not to burn ourselves and reserve it to start preparing the panela syrup. To do this, we take another saucepan or pot and place the whole or chopped panela and the water in it. If we want to give an extra touch of aroma to the candied ginger with brown sugar, we can add a cinnamon stick to the caramel.
  • Once we observe that the cane sugar has completely dissolved in the water, we add the ginger slices and let it cook for an hour over low heat. To properly confit the ginger, we recommend leaving the pot practically covered.
  • After this first hour, we uncover the pot and let the ginger continue cooking in the panela for another hour. Depending on the type of fire you have at home, you may need a little more time. We will know that the crystallized ginger is ready when it has absorbed almost all the panela syrup.
  • When the candied ginger with panela is ready, remove it from the heat and place it on parchment paper to let it cool completely. When you remove the ginger from the pot, if there is a little panela syrup left, you can use it for other preparations, such as an egg flan, to which you can add this caramel and give it a touch of ginger.
  • Once cold, batter the candied ginger with common sugar to give it that characteristic crystallized touch. For the batter, we can also use brown sugar or even crushed brown sugar. Ready! We serve the candied ginger with panela as a snack or dessert

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