Garlic salmon with asparagus recipe

Salmon is a fish rich in omega 3, group B vitamins and a great source of magnesium and iodine among other properties, which is why it is considered a source of protein of high biological value for our body. Therefore, let’s go with a light, healthy and complete dish! This recipe for garlic salmon with asparagus is very simple and at the same time healthy, since it contains very little amount of fat. An ideal dish to maintain shape without losing flavor.

We can taste it both for lunch and for dinner, since it provides us with vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and much more. Stay and discover with me how to make salmon with wild asparagus, you will be surprised!

Ingredients to make Garlic Salmon with Asparagus:

  • 2 fresh salmon fillets
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 100 milliliters of white wine
  • 100 milliliters of fish broth
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Garlic Salmon with Asparagus:

  1. We prepare the ingredients. To make the salmon with asparagus recipe we have used fresh loins, but if you prefer you can use frozen pieces, thawing them beforehand.
  2. Clean and cut the asparagus. Then, we put a frying pan with 2 tablespoons of oil and sauté them.
  3. When the asparagus takes on a little color, add the much chopped garlic, stir and add the tablespoon of flour. We mix again and cook everything for a minute. To make the garlic salmon spicier, you can use a larger amount of garlic.
  4. After a minute, add the white wine and let the alcohol evaporate for a couple of minutes.
  5. Next, we add the fish brother. If you don’t have it, you can add vegetable broth or a glass of water, although it should be noted that the salmon with asparagus will have a more intense flavor with the stock.
  6. Take the salmon loins, remove the remaining bones, add salt and pepper to taste and place it in the casserole with the asparagus sauce. Cover and let it cook for 8-10 minutes. Depending on the thickness of the salmon and how we like it, it will need more or less time.
  7. When the fish is done, we taste the salt and rectify if necessary. A simple and light dish, this is the recipe for garlic salmon with asparagus that we have shared. To accompany without increasing fat, we recommend a simple green salad or some boiled white rice.

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