Garlic prawns recipe in pan

Ingredients to make garlic prawns in a pan:

  • 400 grams of prawn or shrimp tails
  • 1 tablespoon garlic butter
  • 1 shot of beer or white wine

How to make garlic prawns in a pan:

  1. Clean the prawns or shrimp well, removing the black line on one side.
  2. If you like, remove the head and peel the prawns.
  3. In a casserole, heat the garlic butter, when it is very hot add the prawns;
  4. turn them over, add a touch of beer, be careful not to overcook the prawns later.
  5. Put them aside immediately they take on an intense red color.
  6. You can serve with rice, garlic bread, and mashed potatoes.
  7. Garnish with chopped parsley on top. (Reference photo).

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