Garlic mushrooms recipe with Thermo mix

Garlic mushrooms are one of the most classic tapas in Spanish cuisine, so if you like the cuisine of this country and you have a Thermo mix at home, you should save this recipe to your favorites to prepare it whenever you can.

Without a doubt, some mushrooms sautéed in a pan are very good, but by using your kitchen robot you will not only make less mess but you will also save time while enjoying a wonderful and delicious dish. Garlic mushrooms with Thermo mix have nothing to envy to those made in a traditional way, so write down the ingredients and follow the programming well so that your machine makes you savor a delicious recipe with garlic and mushrooms.

Ingredients to make Garlic Mushrooms with Thermo mix:

  • 40 milliliters of olive oil
  • 500 grams of filleted mushrooms
  • ½ onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika
  • ½ teaspoon of hot paprika
  • 1 splash of white wine

How to make Garlic Mushrooms with Thermo mix:

To make our garlic mushrooms you must wash the mushrooms very well and let them drain. In case you bought them whole, after washing them, cut them into slices. Place the chopped onion and garlic in the Thermo mix glass and chop finely for 2 minutes at speed 5. Remove and reserve. If you prefer, you can chop this by hand and skip this step to go directly to the next one. Heat the oil by placing it in the glass and programming 5 minutes in Varoma mode at speed 1. Then, add the onion and garlic and fry for 8 minutes. Keep Varoma mode and speed at 1.

When the machine finishes, grind everything for 3 seconds at progressive speed 5-9. We do this so that the pieces are not noticeable in the plate of garlic mushrooms, but if you don’t mind, you can leave them without crushing. Next, place the butterfly on the Thermo mix blades and add the laminated mushrooms along with a pinch of salt and fry everything together for 12 minutes in Varoma mode with a left turn and spoon speed.

To finish our Thermo mix recipe, use the mouthpiece to add the spices and a little white wine. Then program for 3 more minutes in Varoma with a left turn and spoon speed.

Wine is not an essential ingredient in this recipe for garlic mushrooms, so if you don’t have it, nothing happens, but it will certainly give the dish a great flavor.

Serve and enjoy these delicious mushrooms with garlic with Thermo mix, you can present them as a snack to snack with friends or you can also serve as a delicious companion for a simple pasta dish or scrambled eggs for breakfast.

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