Garlic Chicken Tacos Recipe

Garlic chicken is a fairly common dish, but have you eaten it inside a corn tortilla? If the answer is no, the garlic chicken tacos recipe is a discovery that you have to make right now.

Chicken is one of the most recurring and versatile foods in the kitchen. You can prepare it in countless different ways and none will tire you. Chicken meat is one of the meats that contributes less fat to our diet along with turkey. For this reason, grilled chicken breasts are recommended by dietitians for weight control. Another of the classics is chicken with garlic. A dish with which you will always succeed, which provides greater juiciness to a meat that is generally dry, such as that of the breast.

Today we give a twist to the traditional Mexican tacos and we propose a fusion recipe for garlic chicken with the aforementioned Mexican tacos to obtain some succulent chicken tacos. Do you also want to make them at home? Well pay attention to the step by step recipe for garlic chicken tacos.

Ingredients to make Garlic Chicken Tacos:

  • 200 grams of chopped chicken breast
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of white wine
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of pepper
  • 2 corn tortillas
  • 70 milliliters of olive oil

How to make Garlic Chicken Tacos:

Before starting with the preparation of the garlic chicken tacos recipe, we prepare the ingredients for a more efficient kitchen. Peel and slice the garlic, the size, according to your tastes. We love to find it but if you are not a big fan of the piece of garlic in food, chop it very fine. You’ll get the flavor but you won’t find them inside the tacos. In a frying pan with a pinch of oil, we mark the previously seasoned meat. In our case, the chicken breast cut into portions. To make the garlic chicken, remove the meat from the pan and pour in the rest of the oil. When it is very hot, add the garlic and when they take on color, add the meat and the rest of the salt again.

We leave about five minutes over high heat and then lower the plate to medium power. After those 10 minutes, add the white wine and let it reduce and thicken. We reserve while we have the corn tortillas.

You can also fill these tacos with garlic chicken with mushrooms, great! To form the taco, we heat the corn patties until they are firm but we can still handle them, we take them out.

It is very important that the tortillas are corn and not wheat, because in that case they would no longer be tacos but something else. If you want to make them at home, you can follow the step-by-step recipe for Mexican corn tortillas. We fill the pancakes and present them to the guests. The only downside to this easy recipe is that the garlic chicken tacos  won’t last a minute!

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