Galician Tuna Empanada Recipe

Ingredients to make Galician Tuna Empanada:

• Flour

• Oil

• Salt

• 1/2 kilos of natural tomatoes

• 2 large red bell peppers

• 2 regular green bell peppers

• Pickled tuna or bonito (you can also replace the tuna with lean pork, it’s the same)

• 2 large onions

• 1 egg

How to make Galician Tuna Empanada:

Cut the onion and the peppers into small pieces, fry them with a little oil, and when they are done add the tomato, until the sauce is done, when it is done add the tuna or meat, and let it cook well for a few minutes. Let all this rest in a colander with a saucepan underneath so that the broth that we are going to use later drains off. We put the oven at 200º, and on a table we make approx. 1/2 kilo of flour, depending on the flour it can be more, and we add the filling broth, we knead, until the dough is a compact ball, if we see that it is very loose we add flour and if we see that it is hard we will add some hot water.

We stretch the dough with a rolling pin and put a part as the bottom of a round tray that we will have spread with butter, raising the dough up the wall to now put the filling, prick the entire bottom part with a fork so that it is done well and put the filling, we put a lid of dough and join it on the sides turning the dough from the bottom edge and the top, it will look like a cord, do not mind if it is a little chubby, we make a hole like a coin in the middle, so that the heat comes out like a chimney and with a little dough, we make cordoncitos that we will place on top of the lid, in the form of leaves, or balls. You put it in the oven and when about 20 minutes have passed you varnish the top with an egg yolk, and let it brown and when you take it out, let it cool.

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