Galician tripe recipe

Galician tripe recipe

Galician -style tripe is a very complete traditional recipe, since it contains chickpeas, vegetables and animal proteins. It is a hearty spoon dish, very tasty and ideal for cold days that we can find as a tapa in many bars.

Homemade tripe is a bit slow to prepare, as they need a lot of cooking. They can be made in the traditional way by cooking them little by little, but it can take 3-4 hours, so if you are in a hurry, we recommend you make them in a slow cooker. Both ways turn out great, so read on and discover how to make Galician tripe with chickpeas to share with the family.

Ingredients to make Galician tripe:

Galician tripe recipe

  • 500 grams of chickpeas
  • 500 grams of beef tripe
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 1 dessert spoon of hot paprika (optional)
  • 1 dessert spoon of cumin powder
  • 200 grams of ham
  • 200 grams of pancetta cut into strips
  • 1 handful of salt

How to make Galician tripe:

The day before preparing the Galician tripe recipe, put the chickpeas in a saucepan covered with cold water. They must be at least 12 hours.

Clean and wash the beef tripe under the tap. Although they usually come already clean, it is better to wash them again.

Put a pot on the fire with a little water and add the tripe. When they start to boil, let them cook for 10 minutes. After this time, throw away the water and drain. Put the water and the corns back, close the pot and, when steam begins to come out, leave them for 30 minutes.

If you do it the traditional way, let them cook for 1 hour.

After this time, cool the pot and open it. Add the onion, the garlic cloves, the bay leaf, the sweet paprika, a little hot paprika if you like, and the cumin. Drain the soaked chickpeas well and add them to the pot.

Add more water if you see that it is necessary, it has to cover everything. Close the pot again and let them cook again for about 45 minutes.

While everything is cooking, cut the chorizo ​​into pieces, the ham and the cured bacon into strips.

When this time has passed, cool the pot, open it and add the chorizo, ham and bacon. Put a little salt, without going over. Close the pot again and leave it for another 20 minutes.

Salt test and rectify. Also try spicy and, if you want them to be a little spicier, add more spicy paprika. Let cook for a few minutes and keep testing until you leave the traditional Galician tripe to your liking.

It is better to leave this dish for the next day, since it will have rested and will be better. If the sauce is liquid, nothing happens, when you let them rest, the gelatin from the tripe will thicken the sauce; that is why it is better to let them rest for a whole day. Accompany with bread to dip in the broth and enjoy!

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