Galician Lain Stew Recipe

Galician Lain Stew Recipe

Galician Lain Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make Lain Gallegos Stew:Galician Lain Stew Recipe

  • ½ cured pork head
  • 5 salty ears
  • 5 salty nails
  • 10 Chorizos from Lain
  • ½ cured pork shoulder (approx. 1 kg)
  • 2 salted tails (approx. 250 grams)
  • Marbled bacon (approx. 750 grams)
  • Whole salted rib or in strips (approx. 750 grams)
  • 3 salty snouts
  • Backbone (approx. 1.5 kg)
  • 5 Chorizo ​​onions
  • 4 salty tongues
  • 1 House hen (approx. 1 kg)
  • Veal: skirt or shank (approx. 750 grams)
  • 2 pieces of fat: (200 grams)
  • Chickpeas (1kg)
  • Large beans (700 grams)
  • Turnip greens (6 hands of 1 kg each)
  • Potatoes (approx. 1.5 kg)

How to make Lain Gallegos Stew:

Four days before: put the flacon to desalt in cold water and, if possible, in a cool area to prevent it from picking up bad smells.

It is necessary to change the water every 24 hours.

Two days before: carefully wash all the pork meat (spine, ribs, head, tail, snouts, ears, etc.) and put it to desalt and hydrate it also in cold water, changing the water every 24 hours.

A day before: soak the chickpeas and broad beans in different containers.

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