Galician fried milk recipe

On this occasion, in this recipe we bring you a traditional dessert like no other. This Galician fried milk recipe is one of those grandmother’s recipes that bring back memories of our childhood, especially at Easter. For this reason and for its delicious flavor, we wanted to prepare it and show you all the steps you need to follow to easily make it at home.

Fried milk is nothing more than a milk preparation that is cooled until it solidifies and is breaded to fry in oil. The result, although caloric, is very delicious and perfect for pampering everyone at home with a traditional dessert. Its preparation is very easy, so join us and discover how to make Galician fried milk.

Ingredients to make Galician fried milk:

  • 800 milliliters of whole milk (set aside a glass of milk to make the mixture)
  • 150 grams of white sugar
  • 70 grams of cornstarch or cornmeal
  • 1 small glass of cornmeal (for coating)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 piece of lemon peel
  • 2 units of egg to coat
  • 3 glasses of sunflower oil or seeds to fry
  • 1 tablespoon liquid vanilla

How to make Galician fried milk:

  1. Set aside a glass of milk from the 800 ml of milk on the ingredients list and reserve.
  2. On the other hand, in a deep casserole pour the rest of the milk and add the lemon peel. Add the sugar and the cinnamon stick, stir until diluted and let it come to a boil.
  3. Then, lower the heat to a minimum and cook for two minutes.
  4. Tip: if you use a potato peeler, the very thin skin of the lemon will come out avoiding the bitter white rind.
  5. In a tall glass or container, mix the cold milk that you had set aside with the cornstarch and add the liquid vanilla.
  6. Dilute everything well and set aside to continue with the next step.
  7. Take the cinnamon stick and the lemon peel out of the boiled milk.
  8. Add the mixture with cornstarch to the milk in the casserole and bring it to heat again without stopping stirring so that lumps do not form and a custard-like cream comes out.
  9. Stir for 5 minutes until thick enough and you notice a slight resistance when stirring the milk; away from the fire.
  10. Prepare a buttered mold and pour the mixture so that it cools and take shape.
  11. Cover the mixture with plastic wrap to prevent a dry layer from forming.
  12. Let cool for an hour at room temperature and refrigerate in the fridge for at least 5 or 6 hours.
  13. Heat oil in a deep frying pan and, while you wait for it to heat up, take the milk out of the fridge.
  14. Turn it over onto a plate or platter and cut into square or rectangular pieces. Coat each piece by passing it first in cornmeal and then in beaten egg.
  15. Fry the pieces of milk in small quantities so that they do not stick together, keep them for three minutes on each side so that the outside is browned, because inside they should be creamy.
  16. Prepare a plate with kitchen paper so you can place them there and remove excess oil.
  17. Once fried, you can coat the Galician fried milk with cinnamon and mixed sugar. Do it while it’s hot so it soaks up better.
  18.  Take it back to the fridge to cool, although you can also enjoy it hot.


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