Galician empanada recipe with Thermomix

Galician empanadas are an augmented version of typical empanadillas from the Spanish region of Galicia. Once the Galician empanada dough is made, you can fill it in the original way to have a traditional Galician empanada, or you can innovate to make a vegan Galician empanada or a Galician empanada with xoubas, which are small sardines that are widely used in the kitchen. Galician. In this case, we bring you the delicious recipe for the Galician empanada with Thermomix.

Ingredients to make Galician Empanada with Thermomix:

For the mass

• ½ cup of water

• ½ cup of oil

• ½ cup of white wine

• 1 unit of Egg

• 3 tablespoons of Butter

• 25 grams of pressed yeast

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 450 grams of flour

• 1 pinch of sugar

For the filling

• 1 beaker of oil

• 300 grams of onion

• 200 grams of red pepper

• 150 grams of green pepper

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 3 units of red tomato

• 1 pinch of salt

• 300 grams of tuna or other ingredient to taste

How to make Galician Empanada with Thermomix:

The first thing we have to do in this Galician empanada recipe with Thermomix is to gather all the necessary ingredients. Next, place all the liquids of the dough in the Thermomix glass and program it for 2 minutes, at a temperature of 40º C and speed 1. Then add the pressed yeast and the sugar and program the Thermomix for 3 more seconds at speed 4. Next, add the remaining ingredients and program it for 2 more minutes at spike speed. Then let the dough rest while you make the filling.

Without cleaning the glass, pour all the ingredients for the filling, except the tuna and program the Thermomix for 6 seconds at speed 3 1/2. Next, program it for 10 more minutes at a temperature of 100º C and speed 1.  When the sauce is ready, add the tuna or the chosen ingredient (any type of minced meat, for example) and program it for 5 more minutes at 100º C and speed 1.

Next, divide the dough in two. Stretch the 2 parts very thinly with a rolling pin and form a rectangular mold with it. Then add the chosen filling on top and cover it with the remaining dough.

Preheat the oven to 200º C temperature, and while it heats up, prick with a fork and paint the surface of the empanadilla with a beaten egg, and decorate it to your liking if you want. Then put it in the oven for about 30 minutes, ET voilà! You will have a delicious Galician empanadilla with Thermomix.

Tip: It is advisable that the filling is cold before filling the empanada with it.

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