Fueguian Empanadas Recipe

Ingredients to make empanadas fueguinas:

• 25cc of oil

• 1 tomato peeled without seeds chopped

• 1 chopped onion

• 1 chopped bell pepper

• 50g of chopped ham

• 250g crab meat

• 200g of prawns or shrimp, clean and peeled

• 200g of clean calamari rings

• 1 tablespoon sweet paprika

• 1 can of saffron

• 1 tablespoon chopped chives

• 2 bay leaves

• Salt

• Black pepper grinder

• 2 garlic cloves minced

• 1 tablespoon chopped thyme

• 150cc of white wine

• 150g of milk cream

• 2 beaten eggs, reserve a little for brushing

How to make empanadas fueguinas:

In a pot, brown the onion, peppers, tomato, garlic, paprika, thyme, and ham in oil and salt to taste. When these ingredients are cooked, the prawns, calamaretti and crab meat are added. Pour the wine with the saffron diluted in it and the bay leaf and season to taste. Cook over low heat covered between 15 and 20 minutes.

Add the milk cream and rectify the salt and pepper if necessary, continue cooking over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes until the preparation thickens. Turn off the heat and let cool.

Place the stuffing in a container and add the half-beaten eggs (reserving a little to paint the empanadas), add the parsley and stir well.

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