Fruit Salad Recipe for Halloween

Halloween or “Night of witches”, is a festivity that is celebrated on October 31, the eve of the feast of All Saints. For this date, people decorate and decorate their homes, children dress up, ask for sweets, etc.

In Argentina, as it is usually hot for Halloween, we prepare many desserts and sweet dishes, but above all they must be fresh. For this reason, we teaches you the ingredients to make delicious fruit salad, super original and easy to make!

To make it, keep reading this recipe for fruit salad for Halloween with the detailed step by step.

Ingredients to make Fruit Salad for Halloween:

• 1 apple unit

• 2 units of Orange

• ½ banana unit

• 3 units of strawberries or strawberries

How to make Fruit Salad for Halloween:

To make our fruit salad for Halloween, we are going to start by chopping the apple into small squares. So that later we can accommodate them inside the children’s fruit salad. We will leave the shell so that the color creates a contrast with the rest of the ingredients and is more striking. Reserve to use later.

Tip: With the orange juice and pulp that you take out, you can add it to any fruit that you have left over or to any that you like and make another fruit salad, but with juice.

Chop the banana also into small pieces. Then wash the strawberries, cutting them later, some into small pieces and leaving other larger ones to place on the fruit salad cover.

Take the oranges, which will be what we are going to use as a source to put our fruit salad for Halloween. We will make some small cuts, imitating the famous jack-o’-lantern, with faces according to Halloween.

To do this, we will start by cutting the base and removing the filling, to empty our orange and give space to the fruits that we will add later.

Then, we will mark 2 small triangles on top imitating the eyes on our orange. Make sure they pass through the orange so that later the colors of the fruits of the salad with which we fill it are well noticed.

Mark and cut the mouth. First mark an arc imitating a smile, then a small cut vertically in the center and then on the sides. As it is seen in the photo. Repeat the same process with the other orange, to have 2 fruit salads for children to eat and share.

Fill our Halloween orange with fruit; leave the strawberries for last so that the most acidic flavor comes first. If you want you can sprinkle them with sugar on top.

And in just a few minutes you have this terrifying and fun fruit salad ready for Halloween! Happy Halloween!

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