Frozen octopus recipe

Ingredients to make Frozen Octopus feira:

  • A fresh or frozen octopus of 1.5 kg.
  • 500 grams of potatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • hot paprika
  • 2 bay leaves

How to make frozen feira octopus:

  1. If the octopus is fresh, you have to bring to a boil, the water that you have previously placed in a suitable pot.
  2. Once this is done, the octopus is “scared”, that is, it softens it so that it does not become hard by introducing it and removing it five times in that same water.
  3. If the octopus is frozen, it is placed directly into the boiling water.
  4. How do you know when the octopus is tender? Very easy, in the cooking water you introduce one of the potatoes that is large and when you pierce it and it is tender, the octopus is the same.
  5. To that water, you add some bay leaves that give it a good aroma.
  6. With the octopus already cooked, begin to cut the membranes that join the tentacles, yes I know that it is a nuisance, but the result is much better that way.
  7. Meanwhile you put the rest of the potatoes to cook for twenty minutes in the water that was left over from the octopus, that way they acquire more flavor, or you know, when it is pricked and they are tender,
  8. When the potatoes are cooked, drain and peel as long as your fingers can hold the temperature and while they cool.
  9. With kitchen scissors, cut the octopus tentacles into regular slices.
  10. The small pieces, as well as those that result from the head, reserve it to make a splash or add onions.
  11. Well, we already have everything, hey! Well, it’s time to eat and we are going to plate, preferably on a wooden one like the one in the photo.
  12. We are going to place slices of cooked potatoes the size of about half a centimeter, later and on top of them, we place the octopus.
  13. Now in this order, you put the plate in the microwave (where you have previously placed a glass of water) and heat it for a minute and a half.
  14. You take it out, water the octopus and the potatoes with plenty of olive oil so that you can then “wet” it, followed by the coarse salt.
  15. Finally the finely sifted hot paprika. The thing with the glass of water is so that the octopus does not dry out.

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