Fried vegetables recipe

On this occasion, we prepare a vegetable fry, a traditional dish of Spanish cuisine that can present variations depending on the area. The fritada can be made with the vegetables that we like, but the base of this dish has peppers, courgette, onion, aubergine and tomato, from here you can add any other food.

Fritada is used to accompany any meat or fish dish, for stuffing… It is also perfect as a single dish by adding an egg or pieces of meat. This vegetable dish has many properties, since all vegetables have vitamins and minerals. As for the quantities to make the fritada, it can be varied to adapt the recipe to our taste. Stay with us and discover how to make fried vegetables, you will see that it is very easy!

Ingredients to make Fried Vegetables:

  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 onions
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 piece of red pepper
  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce (optional)
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt

How to make Vegetable Fry:

To make the fried vegetables, the first thing to do is wash all the vegetables and dry them well.

Peel and chop the onion, green pepper and red pepper. All in similar small pieces, so they will cook evenly.

Put a frying pan with a good jet of olive oil on the heat and, when it is hot, add the onion and leave it to poach for 5 minutes over low heat.

Add the green pepper and the red pepper, stir and let these ingredients cook for a few minutes.

Wash the zucchini and eggplant well. They can be peeled or cooked with the skin, since that is where the highest percentage of fiber is. Cut both vegetables into small squares to continue with the vegetable fry.

Add the courgette and aubergine to the pan and a little salt to taste. Stir and let everything cook for about 15 minutes. So that it doesn’t stick and you have to add more oil, cover the pan, this way the vegetables will sweat and finish cooking with their own water.

Peel and chop the tomatoes very small. You can also make the vegetable fry recipe with canned crushed tomato.

Add the chopped tomato to the pan halfway through cooking. Stir and let it continue to cook all together.

When you see that the vegetables are cooked, remove the lid, add the fried tomato, stir and let it finish cooking. Salt taste and rectify if necessary.

If you like the fried vegetables to be well fried, leave it until all the water in the vegetables is consumed. If it is the opposite, as soon as everything is cooked it will be ready. You can also add a little ground black pepper, it gives a very good touch of flavor. We recommend serving the fried vegetables with eggplant in a clay pot and, of course, leaving a few slices of bread to eat.

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