Fried tuna balls recipe

Your kids don’t like fish? That can be one of the most typical table discussions when children are young. we have prepared a recipe for children to eat fish without even knowing it.

The fried tuna balls combined with cheese and oregano have a very mild flavor and a crunchy texture that the little ones will love.

When we prepare recipes for children we like them to collaborate and these tuna balls are ideal for our children to help us form balls and begin to be interested in the world of cooking.

Ingredients to make fried tuna balls:

  • 2 cans of canned tuna
  • 2 tablespoons grated cheese
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • 1 unit of Egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
  • 250 milliliters of olive oil

How to make Fried Tuna Balls:

  1. We gather all the ingredients to prepare the fried tuna balls.
  2. This type of tuna croquettes can also be made with cream cheese
  3. In a bowl we mix the tuna, which we have previously drained, together with the grated cheese. Season with dry oregano and stir well.
  4. Trick: It is not necessary to put salt since tuna and cheese are already, by themselves, salty.
  5. On the other hand, we beat the egg and add a pinch of salt. The egg will make the balls adhere well to the breadcrumbs and we will have a crunchy and delicious batter.
  6. With the help of two spoons we form the tuna balls. If you want you can also do it with your hands, but it will be something stickier.
  7. With two small cans of tuna we get approximately 8-10 small balls.
  8. Coat the tuna balls by passing them through the beaten egg and breadcrumbs until they are all gone.
  9. Once they are coated in batter, fry the tuna balls in plenty of olive or sunflower oil and let them cook until golden. Remove the tuna croquettes and place them on absorbent paper so that they lose all the excess oil.
  10. These fried tuna balls combine very well with microwave potato chips, a perfect dish for lunchtime for the little ones.

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