Fried Tilapia with patacones recipe

In this recipe we will make a main dish with patacones as a side dish, easy and full of flavor. It is a fried tilapia, ideal, in addition, to get the little ones to eat fish. We can make this recipe for any occasion, since it is very simple and fast.

On the other hand, we must remember that the paragon is the fried green plantain, and it is used as an accompaniment to multiple dishes of Latin American origin. The success of this popular accompaniment lies in the temperature of the oil, since it must be very hot. We invite you to know the step by step of the recipe to learn how to prepare fried tilapia with patacones.

Ingredients to make Fried Tilapia with patacones:

  • for the tilapia
  • 4 Tilapia fillets
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • for the patacones
  • 250 milliliters of sunflower oil
  • 2 green bananas
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make Fried Tilapia with patacones:

  1. Before starting to prepare this fried tilapia recipe, you must prepare the ingredients.
  2. Cut the green banana into thick pieces, Remove the peel from the banana.
  3. Bring the sunflower oil to a deep frying pan over medium heat and, once hot, add the thick pieces of green plantain. Fry them for approximately 10 minutes.
  4. To continue with the fried tilapia recipe, place the wheat flour on a plate.
  5. Add a little salt and black pepper to each of the tilapia fillets.
  6. Pass each of the tilapia fillets through the wheat flour in order to coat them.
  7. When the green plantain pieces are fried, crush them with the help of a pataconera. Ideally, they should be as thin as possible.
  8. Tip: If you don’t have a pataconera you can use a medium plate to help.
  9. Fry the patacones again in the hot oil for 10 more minutes, or until they are golden brown.
  10. Reserve the patacones on a plate with absorbent paper to remove excess fat and add a little salt.
  11. Bring a skillet over medium heat with two tablespoons of sunflower oil. When it is hot adding the tilapia fillets and fries them for five or six minutes on each side.
  12. Serve the fried tilapia with patacones accompanied with lemon rinds in case any diner wants to season the fish. This dish is perfect to serve with a fresh salad or a cucumber salad, as they combine very well with the flavors of this recipe.

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