Fried mojarra recipe with salad

On this occasion, we are going to make a typical Colombian dish from the coastal areas of the country, a delicious fried mojarra accompanied by a refreshing salad. When visiting the beaches of this beautiful area, this is the typical dish that is enjoyed. It is also an excellent option for Easter or Lent for those who celebrate this holiday. Let’s see the step by step of the recipe and its ingredients to get down to work.

Ingredients to make Fried Mojarra with salad:

  • 4 units of whole Mo arras
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 4 units of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 bunch of Lettuce
  • 2 units of red tomatoes
  • 1 unit of purple onion
  • 1 teaspoon of Coriander
  • 1 unit of Avocado

How to make fried mojarra with salad:

  1. The first step to make the Colombian fried mojarra recipe is to prepare the ingredients.
  2. Clean the fish fillets very well, removing the intestines and scales. Then, make cuts in each of the fillets on both sides as shown in the photograph.
  3. In a bowl add the juice of two lemons, salt, black pepper, oregano, garlic paste and white wine. Mix the ingredients very well.
  4. Place the molars in a container and bathe them with the previous marinade. Reserve them in the refrigerator for approximately 30 minutes.
  5. While the molars are marinating we are going to make the salad as an accompaniment to the fried fish.
  6. Take the lettuce leaves to a bowl with enough water, add a little vinegar and let them disinfect for approximately five minutes. Drain the water and chop the lettuce with your hands.
  7. Cut the purple onion into feathers and mix it with the lettuce.
  8. In a small bowl add the juice of two lemons, salt, black pepper, and fresh coriander to taste. Mix the ingredients well to prepare the salad dressing.
  9. Add the avocado in medium squares as seen in the photograph and the previous dressing. Mix and reserve.
  10. After the resting time, take a frying pan with enough oil to fry over medium heat and, once hot, fry the mojarras on each side until they are well golden. For the fish to be juicy and well browned, you will have to let it fry for a maximum of 5-8 minutes.
  11. When the mojarra is well fried, place it on absorbent paper to remove excess fat.

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