Fried lilies recipe with anchovy sauce

Ingredients to make Fried Lilies with anchovy sauce:

  • 8 lilies
  • flower
  • oil
  • salted
  • 8 anchovies in oil
  • 1 lemon
  • 100g butter
  • 1 tablespoon parsley

How to make Fried Lilies with Anchovy Sauce:

  1. We clean the lilies and, once washed; we dry them and season with salt. Dip the lilies in flour, shake them to remove excess flour and fry in a pan with plenty of hot oil.
  2. Drain and place in the serving dish, reserving them in the heat.
  3. For the sauce crush the anchovies in oil in a mortar with part of the butter. Add the rest of the butter and put it in a saucepan to heat in a bain-marie.
  4. When the butter is melted, but not boiling, add the lemon juice and the finely chopped parsley. We serve the hot sauce in a separate container.

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