Fried Hake in Marinade Recipe

You won’t believe how tasty this fried marinated hake is that shares with us from on this occasion. It is a battered hake previously soaked in a marinade for sweet and sour fish that contains orange, honey, soy and mustard among other ingredients, so you will not be disappointed for sure!

Ingredients to make fried Hake in marinade:

  • Skinless and boneless hake trunks
  • 1 orange (juice and zest)
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Black pepper powder
  • Cornmeal to make tempura (or cornstarch)
  • Salt
  • ground coriander
  • garlic powder
  • parsley powder

How to make fried Hake in marinade:

  1. We begin by preparing the maceration marinade for the battered hake, grating and squeezing the orange.
  2. In a container we will put all the ingredients that I am going to list.
  3. We put the honey together with the juice and the zest and we add the mustard and the soy sauce and stir successively. Then the ground pepper and coriander to taste.
  4. Now we introduce the hake loins cut into three pieces, and we do not add any salt because the soy sauce plays with that exact point of salt.
  5. We let the marinated hake marinate for two to three hours, stirring every half hour so that it is well soaked in the preparation.
  6. After the time has elapsed, drain the marinated hake and reserve. Prepare a bowl with cold water and cornmeal with salt, always to give it that point of salt that we did not previously put in the rest of the previous products, with a little garlic and dry parsley to taste and mix. This tempura to coat the marinated hake should have the texture of a smooth cream.
  7. Prepare the quarters of hake to coat in tempura, draining them well beforehand and frying them in abundant oil.

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