Fried cauliflower recipe

For those who don’t really like cauliflower or don’t know how to incorporate it into meals, fried cauliflower is a great way to go. It’s juicy and tastes great, plus it’s a healthy and delicious way to reap all the benefits of cauliflower.

We can find cauliflower throughout the year, so this recipe for fried cauliflower is perfect for any season. We can prepare it as an accompaniment to meat or fish dishes. Although it is well known for its taste and smell, since they are not usually liked very much, the truth is that they are excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.

With cauliflower we can prepare creams, soups, sautéed, among other recipes. This time, we tell you how to make cauliflower fritters, so that you can grow fond of cauliflowers and take advantage of all their properties. Keep reading and prepare with us this easy, fast, delicious and crunchy recipe!

Ingredients to make Cauliflower Fritos:

  • 1 cauliflower
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 grams of flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 glass of olive oil

How to make Cauliflower Fritos:

The first step in making our cauliflower fritters is to cut the cauliflower into florets. We put a saucepan on the fire and cook the cauliflower. We can also steam it to make it better, since it does not take as much water.

Next, in a bowl, beat the eggs and in another, put the flour. When the cauliflower is al dente, we take it out, drain well and salt it. We passed it, firstly, through the flour and then through the egg.

Heat a frying pan with the oil. When it has heated up, we go on to fry the cauliflower, browning it on all sides.

Remove the battered cauliflower and let it rest on absorbent kitchen paper to get rid of excess oil. We put in a source and it will be ready to serve.

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