Fried Cambur recipe with ice cream

The banana is very similar to the banana in appearance and flavor, although it comes with a somewhat more rounded shape. We can taste it raw, like any other fruit, or prepare delicious homemade desserts with it. If you like the idea and want to discover easy, fast and suitable options for all audiences, keep reading!

Ingredients to make fried Cambur with ice cream:

  1.  6 ripe bananas
  2. 80 grams of Butter
  3. 200 grams of Sugar (1 cup)
  4. 4 tablespoons vanilla ice cream
  5. 20 grams of honey
  6. 1 pinch of Cinnamon powder
  7. 1 can of candied Cherries
  8. 1 pinch of vanilla essence

How to make fried Cambur with ice cream:

  •  Peel the bananas and cut them diagonally into not very thick slices to start preparing this homemade dessert.
    • Melt the butter over low heat in a pan, add the sugar, honey, vanilla and add the bananas. Brown them slowly by turning them gently so they don’t fall apart.
    • Once the fried bananas are ready, place them in a container leaving the center free to place the ice cream there. Sprinkle with cinnamon and drizzle with a couple tablespoons of honey.
    • Before serving, place the vanilla ice cream in the center of the bowl. It is garnished with cherries and sprinkled on top with the juice resulting from cooking the bananas. Serve the fried banana with hot ice cream.

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