Fresh Tuna Empanada Recipe

The empanada is a dish that is normally used as a starter or appetizer. Here we explain how to make this recipe for empanada with fresh tuna.

Ingredients to make Fresh Tuna Empanada:

  • 1 package of frozen puff pastry
  • 500 grams of onion
  • 400 grams of fresh or canned tuna
  • 250 grams of tomato sauce
  • 250 grams of bell pepper
  • 1 pinch of white pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Fresh Tuna Empanada:

1 Chop the onion, the red pepper in brounoisse (chopped into small squares).

2 Sauté the onion until golden brown, add the red pepper and lastly the tomato sauce, the bell pepper and the shredded tuna.

3 Season to taste.

4 Remove from heat and drain excess oil.

5 Divide the puff pastry into two parts. If you want to make your own puff pastry, don’t miss this recipe.

6 We stretch one of the halves of the puff pastry with the rolling pin, so that it is the size of the oven plate.

7 Grease the oven plate and add a few drops of water so that the tuna empanada does not stick to its surface later.

8 Place the stretched dough on the oven plate and place the tuna sauce filling on top, leaving 1.5 centimeters around without filling.

9 We extend the other half of the dough in the same way and place it on top, fold all the way around it (from bottom to top).

10 Make some strips of decoration and place them on top.

Brush the empanada with the beaten egg yolk and bake at 200ºC for about 30-35 minutes.

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