Fresh tuna carpaccio recipe

Learn how to marinate fresh tuna to prepare an exquisite carpaccio dish and thus surprise all your guests with an elegant and very original starter. You will see that with this recipe, offering a gourmet dinner will be a piece of cake.

Carpaccio is a preparation that is characterized by offering the main raw ingredient, either meat or fish, cut into thin slices that will be marinated with oils and vinaigrettes that can vary in flavor. Currently you can find carpaccio recipes for anything, such as vegan watermelon carpaccio that has nothing to envy to a more traditional beef carpaccio.

In any case, what we are going to prepare next is a marinated bluefin tuna carpaccio, a very simple recipe, without any complications, but which offers a wonderful image and flavor.

Our only recommendation is to follow the instructions to the letter, use a quality piece of fish and work with love. You will see how the fresh tuna carpaccio becomes one of the star dishes on your menu.

Ingredients to make Fresh Tuna Carpaccio:

  • 250 grams of fresh red tuna
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ teaspoon of Pepper
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 quail eggs
  • 1 splash of soy sauce
  • Watercress, Canons or Arugula

How to make Fresh Tuna Carpaccio:

  1. The secret to preparing a good carpaccio, from any type of ingredient, is to cut the main ingredient into very thin slices. To get it. Wrap the piece of bluefin tuna in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, squeezing it tight, and reserve in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  2. Meanwhile, we take the opportunity to prepare the marinade . So when you have all the ingredients at hand, the first thing will be to toast the sesame seeds, to do so, place them in the pan and put them on the fire for a couple of minutes until you see that they begin to crisp.
  3. If you prefer you can buy the seeds already toasted and you can use black and white.
  4. Chop the garlic very finely and make a mixture by adding pepper, toasted sesame seeds, oil, lemon juice and soy sauce. Stir well until you get vinaigrette.
  5. Check the taste of the vinaigrette and add more lemon or soy if you consider it necessary
  6. When the fish is frozen, we take it out of the fridge, unwrap it and cut very thin slices which we will divide into two plates that will already have a bed of green leaves.
  7. This is the most traditional way of presenting a carpaccio,but the truth is that if you prefer, you can also cut it into very small pieces. The presentation will change but the result will be the same.
  8. Finally, spread a good portion of vinaigrette on top of the tuna slices and leave to marinate for at least 10 minutes before serving the dishes.
  9. When serving our fresh tuna carpaccio, all we have to do is take the plates out of the fridge and break the quail egg on top, leaving only the yolk. If you want you can add a little Malden salt on top and that’s it.

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