Fresh Spinach Salad Recipe

The green salad that we present to you is very simple and only uses ingredients that we all have in our pantry. It is a fresh spinach and tomato salad, simple, delicious and nutritious!

Ingredients to make Fresh Spinach Salad:

• 1 handful of cherry tomatoes

• 1 clove of minced Garlic

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 jet of olive oil

• 1 piece of Lemon

• 1 package of fresh spinach

How to make Fresh Spinach Salad:

Wash the spinach well and chop it to taste. We place them in a bowl and add the cherry tomatoes whole or cut in half, as we like.

Trick: We can also use another type of tomato and chop it.

If you prefer, you can boil the spinach for a few minutes, although we have chosen to use it raw. Add the finely chopped garlic to the salad and mix well.

Tip: You can also add a boiled and chopped egg.

Season the spinach salad with salt and pepper to taste. Then, we add olive oil also to taste and, finally, natural lemon juice. We mix and taste to verify that it tastes good.

If you prefer, you can dress the green salad with orange vinaigrette, the contrast of flavors is truly exquisite.

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