Fresh Fruit Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make Salad with fresh fruits:

• 1 dried lettuce

• 2 green apples washed

• 200 grams of strawberry washed and disinfected

• 5 tablespoons of sugar

• 100 grams of chopped walnut

• 200 grams of panel cheese

• 8 tablespoons of mustard

• 5 tablespoons of oil

How to make Salad with fresh fruits:

Cut the lettuce into pieces. Slice the strawberries and cut the apples into wedges. Cut the panel cheese into squares. For the dressing, put the mustard and sugar in a bowl and beat until the ingredients are well incorporated.

Add the tablespoons of oil while continuing to beat until you have a sauce consistency. Put the lettuce in pieces, the apple segments, the strawberries, cheese and walnuts. Accompany with sweet mustard dressing.

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