French Lentil Recipe

There are two kinds of lentils: those called Spanish, larger and with more pronounced skin, and those called French, smaller and finer. Both are cooked in a similar way –and both are good–, but the so-called French lentils are more digestible. Unlike the beans, it is preferable to cook the French lentils in an express pot (fast) for 10 minutes, and they do not require baking soda.

These are the traditional French village lentils, and whoever does not like them, exquisite, superior, following the more than simple instructions that we give to know how to cook French lentils is that you have not read this step by step.

Ingredients to make French Lentils:

  • ½ kilogram of lentils
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
  • Olive oil
  • Sausage (optional)
  • Black pudding (optional)
  • Salt

How to make French Lentils:

  1. Gathering the ingredients is the first step in making these French Lentils.
  2. Having had the lentils soaked, they are put in a pressure cooker together with the same soaking water, the sliced ​​carrots, the potatoes cut in half, the bay leaf, and the chopped onion and garlic cloves.
  3. Trick: They must take a lot of water because when you cook the lentils French style they absorb a lot and get fat, and otherwise they would stay dry inside the pot.
  4. Add one or two tablespoons of tomato sauce, olive oil and, at will chorizo, black pudding or both (or neither, if you don’t want to eat meat, French lentils are also good without it).
  5. Trick: An alternative is to put a piece of smoked lamb tail or some other subtlety, but that is already noteworthy and there is usually nowhere.
  6. After 10 minutes of cooking at full speed, they are removed from the heat, the pressure cooker is opened when the valve is lowered, and if they lack water (if they have been very dry) it is added (cold).
  7. Then the French lentils are left to rest in the pressure cooker for at least two hours, and it is then that, as if by magic –and I mean it–, the entire stew is linked as if there had been a thermonuclear reaction.
  8. From this moment they can be reheated (over a very low heat and without losing sight of them, these vegetables are very treacherous) and eaten.
  9. Accompany them with some slices of ciabatta bread and celery, tomato and avocado salad and you will see what a complete, healthy and nutritious menu.
  10. They can also be made in a casserole dish, which does not stick.
  11. In this case, you have to keep them cooking slowly for an hour (or a little more; that’s already seen), checking from time to time in case they run out of water, since, as already said, when cooking they absorb much more than it seems. And lentils have a tendency to seize.


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